.professional / Dawn of War II

Dawn of War II
Jr Designer


  • Helped with early prototype of procedural map gen systems
  • Began early development of Boss Fight mechanics
  • Paper Design, layout and development of:
    • 'Remains of a Dark Age'
    • 'The Last Stand'
  • Also provided layout and development of procedural maps:
    • 'Typon Arena'
    • 'Argus Settlement'
  • Worked with Environment Artists on beautification passes
  • Attended playtest sessions and implemented feedback as provided by leads
  • Ensured required narrative beats were implemented
  • Worked with Animation Team to implement bookend Non-Interactive-Sequence cutscenes
  • Scripted and implemented early passes of required boss fights - The Lictor, Deff Dread and Carinfex Alpha.

Remains of the Dark Age

Remains of the Dark Age was a fun mission - it was fairly linear, so there were lots of opportunities for narrative events. It starts out with the player fighting his way through orcs to reach some ruins to secure an Astronomic Array (Radio Tower). This involves some busy work such as finding a power cell the orcs have stolen.

The fun part is that throughout the mission, you're getting hounded by a Lictor; a stealth Tyranid. Once you complete your main objective, you can simply leave the map, or if you're feeling particularly Space Marine-y, you can go and fight the Lictor.

The Lictor battle was fun to script; he basically attacks you for awhile and once you wound him enough, he runs to some thick underbrush and stealths out before healing up. The player needs to destroy all the underbrush so that when he attacks, he has no where to hide and can be eliminated.

Video sliced up from RedAlert2Havoc's playthrough from their youtube channel.

The Last Stand

Just to clarify - this is The Last Stand; the final mission of the campaign, not The Last Stand the coop horde game mode.

The final mission - at this point in the campaign, it seems that the player is on a suicide mission to save the sector. Upon starting, your support ships are shot down; you're on your own. The goal is to poison Tyranid 'tendrils' to essentially kill every alien on the planet.

This means defending against swarms of enemies (and I do mean swarms) at several points of the map. Just when it seems all is lost, backup arrives. You fight a valiant uphill battle to some high ground to place a beacon and the cavalry arrives just in time. The player also gets to control Gabriel Angelos - the protagonist from the first Dawn of War before squaring off against the final boss: The Carnifex Alpha.

The map is large and takes place on ruins reminiscent of mayan temples. The Tyranid infestation is apparent as their biomass is everywhere (ew). We have some cliche "Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a dwarf, er guardsman" moments but it's all in good fun. This is The Last Stand, afterall.

Video sliced up from RedAlert2Havoc's playthrough from their youtube channel.

MAP: Typhon Arena

As one of the two procedural maps I built, Typhon Arena has to support multiple pieces of content. It required an arena for boss fights, as well as a few capturables on the map (An array, generator, etc). Lastily it required markers to be placed in order to setup where entry points, encounters, buildings could be, etc.

I wanted to go with a jungle arena theme - but one that would be high up in the mountains. Lots of large drops to the clouds below as well as the arena itself being in ruins and falling apart.

Video sliced up from RedAlert2Havoc's playthrough from their youtube channel.

MAP: Argus Settlement

As one of the two procedural maps I built, Typhon Arena has to support multiple pieces of content. It required an arena for boss fights, as well as a few capturables on the map (An array, generator, etc). Lastily it required markers to be placed in order to setup where entry points, encounters, buildings could be, etc.

I wanted to go with a jungle arena theme - but one that would be high up in the mountains. Lots of large drops to the clouds below as well as the arena itself being in ruins and falling apart.

Video sliced up from RedAlert2Havoc's playthrough from their youtube channel.