
Hello! My name is Ryan McGechaen. (He/Him)

I'm a Game Designer with over 18 years AAA experience.

My earliest exposure to game design was building levels for Duke Nukem 3D inside the Build engine back in elementary school. The first few 'games' I built were actually point and click adventure games in Apple's Hypercard. They weren't particularily deep or challenging, but I remembered the joy of presenting these to friends and watching them play through something I had created.

Games have come a long way from the days of Doom and Mario Brothers. These days they can be more than escapism; they can connect us, share stores, and bring people together from all backgrounds, ethnicities, sexualities and beliefs. They can provide us with entertainment, but they can also make us think, and feel and in some cases better understand not only ourselves but those around us.

I firmly believe that while Designers need to be vision bearers for a project, any member of a development team has the capacity to contribute to the design of a game. Designers should be championing the vision but also encouraging others who are passionate to contribute; afterall, we are all working towards the goal of making a game that is fun, challenging and something we would be proud of putting out.

Thank you for stopping by!

I was born and raised in Vancouver, BC where I currently reside. My first exposure to games was Christmas Morning in the late 80s when my sister and I got a Sega Genesis from Santa. However, we quickly discovered it wasn't quite what the family was hoping for and so 'Santa' returned it to the store and got a Nintendo instead. That Nintendo remained my sole console for many years until I would finally buy myself an X-Box 360 in the late 2000s.

My main passion for gaming (At least up to date gaming) was instead through PC. I quickly found a love for the computer and the games it provided, starting out as early as The Detective's Casebook on an old black and yellow IBM, but moving up to windows games such as Flight Simulator, Warcraft II, Age of Empires and Baldur's Gate. It's wasn't until Duke Nukem 3D when I realized I could make my own content for these games - and that set me on the course I'm on today.

I got my start as a QA tester at Relic Entertainment. I built and maintained most of the multiplayer maps that shipped with that game where I got my first design credit. Shortly after, I moved into the roll full time and have been a designer ever since.

Over the years, I've dabbled in almost all aspects of design - from Level and Mission to Core Gameplay, UI/UX to Metagame, Progression to Technical and everything in-between. I've been on projects as early as day 1 concepting all the way through to shipping including some live service experience.

Some of the most influential games for me:

Hard Skills
  • Level Design
  • Mission Design
  • Campaign Design
  • Metamap
  • Progression
  • Technical Design
  • Lua scripting
  • Core Gameplay
  • RTS
  • Mentorship
  • Tutorialization
Soft Skills
  • Unreal
  • Unity
  • FPS
  • TPS
  • HTML
  • Blender
  • Leadership


Below you can find my personal projects.


For now the best way to get ahold of me is through my email available on my linkedin page:
